Wysips on LAPTOP.com


By admin on 29 mars 2011 in Press/Web International

It’s not just a Powermat killer. It could potentially kill all chargers for mobile gadgets. Tonight we had a chance to get a demo of Wysips breakthrough technology, which layers a thin, transparent photovoltaic film on top of a phone’s display. This film captures solar energy–or even energy from a nearby light source–so you don’t have to hunt for an outlet by the middle of the day. Maybe not ever again.

As you can see, the prototype device this French-based company showed off is definitely rough around the edges, but Wysips says its working with mobile display companies, phone manufacturers, and carriers to integrate its technology into handsets. The film is superthin (less than 100 microns), and the technology is so efficient that smart phone makers should be able to stop bulking up the batteries. That means leaner devices that charge without you have to lift a finger.

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